PostgresSQL Getting Started
apt install postgresql
This will install the database and a bunch of tools to connect/manage database.
Important concepts
Before going any further, let's explore the concepts of resources (user, database, table, etc) defined by PostgresSQL.
- Role name
- AKA username. You need to present a role name whenever you connect to the PostgresSQL (like username when logging into a computer).
- Database
- You also need to choose a database to load, whenever you connect to the PostgresSQL. A database is like a collection of tables.
- Table
- The SQL table we are familiar about. A table can contain rows of data. A table has a data schema.
Default configuration
After install, some resources will be created by default, and a default configuration file will be used that controls access over network.
- Default role name:
- Default database:
This is important later
Configuration file location (Ubuntu)
- Main configuration:
- Defines listen address, port, max connection allowed, etc
- Network access:
- Defines network access, allow/deny list of IP addresses
Recommended change
Change listen address
Open /etc/postgresql/<version>/main/postgresql.conf
, and edit this line to:
listen_addresses = '*'
This allows connection from other computers in the network.
Change network access
For example, if your PostgresSQL service runs on machine A, and you want to access it on machine B which is on the same LAN. You need to open and edit /etc/postgresql/<version>/main/pg_hba.conf
, and add
# Allow LAN
host all all trust
My pg_hba.conf
looks like this
# Database administrative login by Unix domain socket
local all postgres trust
# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local all all trust
# IPv4 local connections:
# Allow Docker network
host all all trust
# Allow Localhost
host all all trust
# Allow LAN
host all all trust
# IPv6 local connections:
I didn't care about security so I set
to all of the rules.
Look up document to see if you need something more secure!
Restart service to apply change.
- (Ubuntu)
sudo systemctl restart postgresql
Connect to DB
Finally, time to connect to the PostgresSQL and actually do something!
To do that, we use a command line tools that comes with the install: psql
If you simply run psql
without any arguments, you will probably get an error message, saying role does not exist.
psql: error: connection to server on socket "xxx" failed: FATAL: role "user1" does not exist
This is because, by default, psql
will try to login using current user $USER
, try to connect to a database the same name as current user.
You can specify which user or database to connect to
psql -U <username> -d <database>
Runpsql --help
for more
postgres user
Like we mentioned before, a role name and a database called postgres
will be created by default.
So to connect to database, lets use this role name.
psql -U postgres
# or
sudo -u postgres psql
Now we are in the system, we can create other users.
Create user and database
Launch psql
, and type
CREATE USER <role name>;
Also you need to create a matching database
CREATE DATABASE <role name>;
Now you can connect to db using this name
psql -U <role name>
Some helper command for psql
- View all roles:
- View all databases:
for short
Now you can finally create tables and add data and do SQLs.
Connection string
You probably need to provide a connection string for applications to connect to database.